
Here the 财政援助办公室 provides such resources as 金融援助 applications 和 verification forms.


学生可以通过邮件提交验证文件, 传真(401-456-8686)或使用我们新设的安全电子投寄箱 securefinaid@zykx8.com.*出于安全和保密目的, 您必须使用您的RIC电子邮件帐户发送您的文件. 如果您没有RIC电子邮件,请联系 ITS帮助中心.

*Please Note: This is not an 电子邮件 address; it is only meant for sending documents securely to the 金融援助 Office.


Federal regulations require all institutions which administer Title IV student assistance programs to monitor the academic progress towards a degree or certificate of students applying for funds. All students who have completed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) 和 wish to be considered for Title IV federal aid such as federal Pell grants, 直接贷款, 和 SEOG grants as well as other types of assistance must meet the criteria stated in the policy.

Please Note: Regulations require the financial aid policy to be at least as strict as the institution’s academic st和ing policy 和 therefore these st和ards have recently been updated to be consistent with recent changes in the college’s Academic St和ing Policy. The new st和ards are effective for all aid applicants for the 2022 – 2023 financial aid year 和 beyond.


Your financial aid eligibility is based on the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) st和ards that the Rhode Isl和 College’s 金融援助 Office is 美国所要求的.S. 教育部 建立、发布和应用. The 金融援助 Office measures your academic performance 和 enforces SAP st和ards to ensure that you, 作为财政援助接受者, 毕业进度. 如果你达不到这些标准, you become ineligible to receive financial aid until you meet all requirements.

Financial aid recipients will be reviewed for satisfactory progress at the end of the spring semester after grades are posted. A student who does not meet the satisfactory academic progress st和ards will be terminated from financial aid assistance. 被终止资助的学生没有资格获得任何进一步的经济资助, 包括学生贷款, 直到重新取得令人满意的学业进步. Readmission to a program or removal from academic probation does not automatically constitute eligibility for federal aid.


  1. 定性的组件学生必须达到最低累积G.P.A. 尝试更多学分时的要求(见下表).
  2. 定量组件: The quantitative component requires you to complete your degree within a maximum timeframe. You are eligible to receive financial aid for a maximum timeframe of 150 percent of the published degree credits required to complete your program. Since an undergraduate degree program at Rhode Isl和 College requires 120 degree credits, 你有资格获得最多180学分的经济援助.
    • The ratio between attempted 和 completed credits determines your credit completion ratio. Students are required to meet the completion ratio as outlined in the chart below.
    • 未完成,退学,ESL学分,补救学分和重修 所有计算完成百分比作为尝试学分. “I”(不完整)成绩不被视为及格成绩.
    • 转移学分 是否算在已修学分和已修学分的总数中.
  3. 这两项都适用于双专业,或者换专业的学生

申请2022 - 2023年及以后助学金的学生


0 to 12----------
13​ to 3660%1.80
37 to 18067%2.0


  1. 学生必须完成 吸引力的形式 按照表格上的说明去做. 上诉应以人身伤害为依据, 疾病, 家庭困难, 亲属死亡, 或者其他学生无法控制的情有可原的情况.
  2. If more than one semester is needed to comply with the SAP policy as detailed above, it is recommended that your appeal include an advisor-approved academic plan that if followed will ensure you will be able to meet SAP requirements by the end of the specified semester.
  3. 如果你的上诉被批准, you will be 的地方d on “financial aid probation” 和 as long as you meet all requirements of the approval letter, follow your academic plan (if applicable) 和 maintain your degree status, 你可以继续获得经济援助.
  4. The Deadline for appeals is no later than four weeks prior to the end of the semester for which aid is desired.


  1. Students will be notified of the appeal decision via an 电子邮件 sent to your RIC 电子邮件 address. 允许最多三周的时间来处理上诉.
  2. 以后同样性质的上诉是不允许的.
  3. 所有上诉决定为最终决定.


When a student has made satisfactory progress as outlined above for a particular semester without the benefit of student financial aid, the student must contact the Office of Student 金融援助 和 request a Satisfactory Academic Progress re-evaluation. The student will then be reinstated to an eligible status for the subsequent term.​​

Federal regulations require that students borrowing from the Federal Direct Loan 和/or Graduate PLUS programs receive loan counseling at two points in the borrowing cycle. 入学咨询 在第一次发放贷款前,需要提供的资料,以及 出口咨询 is required at the time that a student graduates, drops below half-time status or leaves the College.

Entrance 和 Exit counseling may be completed on-line by clicking on the link below.  这个链接会把你带到一个互动的联邦网站.  入学咨询将在“完成援助过程”选项卡下找到, 退出咨询列在“管理贷款”选项卡下. 您将需要您的联邦FSA ID来登录.  FSA的ID已经取代了联邦密码.  Instructions for creating an FSA ID are provided at the website link below. 请在联邦学生援助网站上找到更多信息 入学咨询出口咨询.
