aerial image of parking lots

Rhode Island College Shuttle Service

The RIC shuttle is a great way to get around the college. 有十一站, 它从基夫交通中心出发,经过校园各处的各种建筑和停车场.

班车时间, during fall and spring semesters, are Monday–Thursday: 7:30 am–10:30 pm and Friday: 7:30 am–12:30 pm. 下午4:30后, 班车环路延伸到曼顿大道的Stop and Shop / CVS / Family Dollar / Wendy 's.

Rhode Island College provides FREE parking passes to our campus community


Under current parking procedures, 校园停车场被分配给校园社区的特定群体. Each is color-​coded differently. ​All existing reserved and handicap spaces will remain the same.

如果您对停车程序有疑问,请联系校园警察办公室 401-456-8888

停车程序 at Rhode Island College

Request RIC Parking Permits Here

Please note that parking permit stickers for students, 工作人员, facility and administration do not expire.

通勤的学生 黄金 
居民的学生 海军
政府 绿色
教员/员工 勃艮第
  • 通勤的学生 may park in designated Commuter Lots, Open Lots, and approved on-street parking.
  • 所有 居民的学生 与车辆必须得到一个 海军 彩色许可证和公园 仅限L批 在白天. 下午5点以后.m. resident students are allowed to park next to the RECREATION​ CENTER until closing.
  • 教员/员工 可以在指定的教职员工停车场、露天停车场和经批准的路边停车场停车吗
  • 政府 有指定停车位.
  • 残疾人停车: Student temporary disability parking permits can be requested by contacting the 残疾人士服务中心. 申请临时残疾人停车许可证的教职员工,请填写一份 临时泊车许可证 and bring it to the Office of Human Resources. 

请注意,根据州法律校园停车违章罚款85美元. Campus Police will ticket violators for parking in unauthorized lots. Tickets will also be issued to vehicles that have no permit on their car.

通勤学生(金奖) Parking available in lots B, E3, E6, F, H, I, J (lower two-thirds), 36, and Y.
驻校学生(海军) Parking available in lot L. Parking also available in lot E3 (Recreation Center) after 5 p.m.​
教员/员工, Adjunct 教师, Part-Time Employees (勃艮第) 停车位:D、V、34、Q、37、W、S、J(上三分之一)、M、N、E9、E4、E7、E8、E11. Parking also available in lot E3 (Recreation Center) after 5 p.m​.
游客 所有的游客 必须 check in with Campus Police at The Welcome Center (Mt. Pleasant Avenue entrance) to obtain a visitor parking tag. 游客可在 任何 lot with an authorized visitor tag.
露天停车场(灰色) A停车场, C, K, 28,​ and Welcome Center as well as street parking, represent open parking which is available to all groups with the exception of resident students.

所有的游客 必须 check in with Campus Police at The Welcome Center (Mt. Pleasant Avenue entrance) to obtain a visitor parking tag. 游客可在 任何 lot with an authorized visitor tag.


  1. Go to the Campus Police office located in The Welcome Center.
  2. You must have your operator’s license, 学生身份, 登记, 在领取临时访客停车证时出示保险证明.

RIC has 8 (eight) ChargePoint electric vehicle charging stations on campus.  由于每个充电站一次可以为两辆车充电,因此有16个车辆充电空间.  Stations are located in the following locations:

  • Parking Lot B (2 stations)
  • Parking Lot D (2 stations)
  • Parking Lot K (2 stations)
  • 停车场H(1站)
  • Welcome Center (1 station)

周一开始, 8月29日, users will be charged by energy usage (kWH) and not by time spent charging.  用户将被收取0美元.30 /千瓦时. 这些费用的目的是抵消这些站的电费和维修费.

Users pay for the vehicle charging through the ChargePoint app.  The app also allows users to track their charging time.

Please note that there is a four (4) hour parking limit at the stations.  学院可能会对停放时间超过4小时的车辆收取额外费用. 罚款85美元.00美元的违规行为 § 31-21-18. Electric vehicle charging station parking restrictions.


  • There is no longer parking on Dorm Lane due to fire safety regulations.
  • All are pre-approved for one parking permit. 教师 & 工作人员:如果你需要额外的许可证,你需要向校园警察申请.
  • If your vehicle does not have a permit for any reason, you will need to notify Campus Police at (401) 456-8888.
  • For temporary disability access, students should request assistance from the Disability Services Center.
    教职员工应与人力资源办公室的Beth Cabana就临时停车计划进行沟通.
  • 除L停车场外,不准过夜停车(只供住校学生使用). 如果需要过夜停车,学生、教师和工作人员必须首先与校园警察核实.​
  • 任何在宿舍过夜的非居民学生必须在欢迎中心的校园警察处获得访客标签.
  • 购买新车的教职员工必须将旧许可证交回校警. A new one will be issued to you.
  • Currently enrolled RIC students are able to receive parking permits. However, if you are not currently enrolled, you cannot receive a parking permit.

临时停车计划 In the case of medical necessity, esball官方网有五(5)个临时停车标志,可在校园内放置. 临时停车位的目的是为员工和学生提供临时的工作/学习地点,并按照先到先得的原则进行审查和授予.

员工必须在(401)456-9841或ecabana@ric向人力资源办公室(HR)的Beth Cabana提交申请.edu for a temporary parking pass. Requests must be accompanied by medical documentation from a physician, 说明对临时停车位的需求以及住宿期限(最多30天), 如果需要还可以扩展). 除了, the request must include vehicle information (make, 模型, 车辆颜色, 和车牌号).

学生必须向残疾人服务中心(401)456-2776提交临时停车证申请. 残疾人服务中心与人力资源部联系,并提供所有esball官方网和车辆信息, 模型, 车辆颜色, 和车牌号).

经批准后,人力资源部联系工厂管理部门安排临时停车标志的放置. HR also provides campus police with vehicle information. 如果临时停车证是学生的,人力资源部将通知残疾服务中心.

经批准的员工或学生在整个批准期间只能获得一个指定的停车位. 任何获授权使用本许可证的人士不得将车停在指定的残疾人停车位(蓝色标志)内。. 根据此计划,残疾人停车位不得指定为临时停车位. All decisions regarding permits are final. Permits are not valid for use other than on the RIC main campus. Parking signs may NOT be moved without express approval from HR.

人力资源部通知员工或学生他或她的请求已被批准,并告知临时停车位的位置. 人力资源部和员工或学生安排领取临时停车吊牌. 人力资源部将监控临时停车标志的有效期,并在有效期前通知员工或学生. 人力资源部门还应在签署日到期前两(2)天通知实体工厂管理部门移除签署日. 违反上述使用规则将导致临时停车许可证特权立即被吊销.

Rhode Island College entrance


